Wednesday, March 31, 2010

MISTAKE…part 1 : An Honest Mistake???

MISTAKE…part 1 : An Honest Mistake???


Ya..yah…someone just used those word to me..hmm..think back..I’ve heard the word for such a long time actually..I don’t think much of this word..coz I really dun believe in such word..

Aha..but lately, when I switched on the tv.. there’s a band using these word as their name..makes me wonder..what really is an honest mistake??? Look like the band get really fame by their group name..(kih3..silly one..right?) cam saje nk suruh ak discuss..

So,mari kite lihat…dr sudut pandgn ak…

There is no such thing as an "honest mistake." A mistake is an error, whether intentional or not, whether with malice or not. Honesty is a virtue of truthfulness. So when someone says "I made an honest mistake" they are saying they erred and that they are being truthful in owning up to the error; however they really meant to imply that the person to whom the error is being acknowledged has some obligation to accept the admission, as if to forgive the mistake.

So the use of the phrase is, in itself, often dishonest in that it is offered as an excuse rather than "owning" the mistake. So a better thing to say would be, "I made a mistake. I admit it and I own it. I did not mean to hurt you, and I hope you forgive me." That's beter!!! hehe..


Amalina / Author & Editor

Currently a fulltimer PhD. student in Universiti Putra Malaysia. Travellicious. Foodielicious. Animal lovers. Proud muslim.


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MISTAKE…part 1 : An Honest Mistake???

Ya..yah…someone just used those word to me..hmm..think back..I’ve heard the word for such a long time actually..I don’t think much of this word..coz I really dun believe in such word..

Aha..but lately, when I switched on the tv.. there’s a band using these word as their name..makes me wonder..what really is an honest mistake??? Look like the band get really fame by their group name..(kih3..silly one..right?) cam saje nk suruh ak discuss..

So,mari kite lihat…dr sudut pandgn ak…

There is no such thing as an "honest mistake." A mistake is an error, whether intentional or not, whether with malice or not. Honesty is a virtue of truthfulness. So when someone says "I made an honest mistake" they are saying they erred and that they are being truthful in owning up to the error; however they really meant to imply that the person to whom the error is being acknowledged has some obligation to accept the admission, as if to forgive the mistake.

So the use of the phrase is, in itself, often dishonest in that it is offered as an excuse rather than "owning" the mistake. So a better thing to say would be, "I made a mistake. I admit it and I own it. I did not mean to hurt you, and I hope you forgive me." That's beter!!! hehe..


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