Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kawen Ngan BantAl??!!!!!

Kawen Ngan BantAl??!!!!!


Lee Jin-guy, 28, From Korea Marries His Dakimakura, Huggable Body Pillow, With An Image of Fate Testarossa on it

The Korean man seems to have found true love after marrying his body pillow in a special ceremony, dressing the pillow in a wedding dress and having a local priest perform the ceremony. The local media were all over the story and some have made fun of Lee Jin-gyu for marring a pillow when he should be out looking for a real wife. They referred to him as an 'otaku', which falls somewhere between obsessive and a nerd.

On one side of the dakimakura there is an image of Fate Testarossa, who is a character from the anime series magical girl called Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha. There is a picture of Lee Jin-gyu kissing his new pillow bride on the website.

One friend of his told the Metro that Lee Jin-gyu is obsessed with his pillow and that he takes it everywhere he goes.

'They go out to the park or the funfair where it will go on all the rides with him. Then when he goes out to eat he takes it with him and it gets its own seat and its own meal,' they added.

Amalina / Author & Editor

Currently a fulltimer PhD. student in Universiti Putra Malaysia. Travellicious. Foodielicious. Animal lovers. Proud muslim.


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Kawen Ngan BantAl??!!!!!

Lee Jin-guy, 28, From Korea Marries His Dakimakura, Huggable Body Pillow, With An Image of Fate Testarossa on it

The Korean man seems to have found true love after marrying his body pillow in a special ceremony, dressing the pillow in a wedding dress and having a local priest perform the ceremony. The local media were all over the story and some have made fun of Lee Jin-gyu for marring a pillow when he should be out looking for a real wife. They referred to him as an 'otaku', which falls somewhere between obsessive and a nerd.

On one side of the dakimakura there is an image of Fate Testarossa, who is a character from the anime series magical girl called Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha. There is a picture of Lee Jin-gyu kissing his new pillow bride on the website.

One friend of his told the Metro that Lee Jin-gyu is obsessed with his pillow and that he takes it everywhere he goes.

'They go out to the park or the funfair where it will go on all the rides with him. Then when he goes out to eat he takes it with him and it gets its own seat and its own meal,' they added.

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