Thursday, April 1, 2010

MISTAKE..part 2:  Honest mistake???

MISTAKE..part 2: Honest mistake???


Doesn’t everyone have a brain to think..what they are doing and the all consequences of doing that..and bla bla bla..hehe..eventhough we all made mistake that we doesn’t want to do..but does it really suit to be so called “honest mistake”??? when we had a brain that Allah has given us to think that all of things in the world are being created for something ..and Rasulullah had left us Quran and Sunnah as our guidance..

For me..mistake is a mistake…no such word “honest mistake”…except they don’t really have a brain to think, still dreaming or they don’t have any ideas of what they are doing bcOz of lack of knowledge…lack of knowledge??hmm…ad ke such word kt zaman tenet ni?? Sume bnde ley tau n ramai org kt dunia ni yg kte ley tanye mgnai pelbagai prob..

”Honest mistake” maybe boley diterima ntuk stu tempOh yg pendek la..klu da lama2 jd cm sengaja diwat je sbnrnye..lbey truk klu die tu da mumaiyiz..tau beza baek wat2 cam tatau slh silap..n use the word ‘it’s all an honest mistake”…pasttu ley dikre ‘honest mistake’ gak klu btOl2 r org tu terpijak ke or ter pukul atau sewaktu ini musti refer kpd ‘short term’ la..ntuk long term..ak mmg xley trime lgsg!!!

Jgn le igt ak xley trime tu meaning yg ak xnk memaafkan..bkn gitu..ak lbey sng memaafkan dari trus pikirkn keslhn org…menghukum org ats kesalahan nye bkn ats kuasa aku..aku lbey suke serahkan pada Allah..except…klu kesalahan2 itu benar2 melanggar hak Allah, org2 sekeliling n ak . sOda semestinya ak xkan berdiam diri!!!

Amalina / Author & Editor

Currently a fulltimer PhD. student in Universiti Putra Malaysia. Travellicious. Foodielicious. Animal lovers. Proud muslim.


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MISTAKE..part 2: Honest mistake???


Doesn’t everyone have a brain to think..what they are doing and the all consequences of doing that..and bla bla bla..hehe..eventhough we all made mistake that we doesn’t want to do..but does it really suit to be so called “honest mistake”??? when we had a brain that Allah has given us to think that all of things in the world are being created for something ..and Rasulullah had left us Quran and Sunnah as our guidance..

For me..mistake is a mistake…no such word “honest mistake”…except they don’t really have a brain to think, still dreaming or they don’t have any ideas of what they are doing bcOz of lack of knowledge…lack of knowledge??hmm…ad ke such word kt zaman tenet ni?? Sume bnde ley tau n ramai org kt dunia ni yg kte ley tanye mgnai pelbagai prob..

”Honest mistake” maybe boley diterima ntuk stu tempOh yg pendek la..klu da lama2 jd cm sengaja diwat je sbnrnye..lbey truk klu die tu da mumaiyiz..tau beza baek wat2 cam tatau slh silap..n use the word ‘it’s all an honest mistake”…pasttu ley dikre ‘honest mistake’ gak klu btOl2 r org tu terpijak ke or ter pukul atau sewaktu ini musti refer kpd ‘short term’ la..ntuk long term..ak mmg xley trime lgsg!!!

Jgn le igt ak xley trime tu meaning yg ak xnk memaafkan..bkn gitu..ak lbey sng memaafkan dari trus pikirkn keslhn org…menghukum org ats kesalahan nye bkn ats kuasa aku..aku lbey suke serahkan pada Allah..except…klu kesalahan2 itu benar2 melanggar hak Allah, org2 sekeliling n ak . sOda semestinya ak xkan berdiam diri!!!

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