Friday, June 26, 2009

Sejadah Kompas

Sejadah Kompas


19/2/08- mencatat sejarah pabila Turkish inventor namenye, Soner Özenç, mencipta sejadah made out of glowing threads. What shocked the world in an international gallery that it works according to the direction of “Qibla”, (the direction of Mecca). The glow will get brighter and brighter the more its correctly directed to Mecca. The more it gets closer to the direction the brighter it gets. (Incredible, unbelieveable? believe it!!!)

Amalina / Author & Editor

Currently a fulltimer PhD. student in Universiti Putra Malaysia. Travellicious. Foodielicious. Animal lovers. Proud muslim.


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Sejadah Kompas

19/2/08- mencatat sejarah pabila Turkish inventor namenye, Soner Özenç, mencipta sejadah made out of glowing threads. What shocked the world in an international gallery that it works according to the direction of “Qibla”, (the direction of Mecca). The glow will get brighter and brighter the more its correctly directed to Mecca. The more it gets closer to the direction the brighter it gets. (Incredible, unbelieveable? believe it!!!)

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