Nak cerita trip kali KERALA, India.
Actually, trip ni da nak a year (26TH OCT 2015) back. I've got a wedding invitation from one of my teammate while doing postgrad studies..or some might call labmate??, he invited all of our lab members (staff and students)..jadi, we come out with some plan..why not we try to explore a little bit of Kerala wonders before the wedding.
Kad jemputan kawin Mr Raghunath Pariyani (25th Oct 2015) |
So, here we started with:
1. TICKET; bought from ticket
return ticket cost around RM500 -+ ; KLIA2 >> KOCHI airport
date : depart ; 23-28/10/2015
Yes, Malaysian need visa to enter INDIA.
No worry, its pretty easy for Malaysian to get one. You just have to fill in the form thru online website ;
visa <<< klik link ni..nanti dia akan bagi semua maklumat yg perlu utk dapatkan visa
Ada pilihan, untuk malaysian passport..kita boleh je terus mintak e-tourist visa, yang boleh terus bayar online dgn credit card...tapi BEWARE..diorg xkan proceed permohonan even dgn slightest type mistake..or borang xlengkap..jadi better,, korg guna regular visa je or klu korg berani risk kn duit korg...and yakin all is well boleh la guna option yg first tu. Jdi, utk regular visa;
1.bawak borang yang dah korang isi dengan teliti tu..printkn
gambar (2"x2", backgorund putih)..kalau korg g kedai gambar ckap je nk ambil gamabr utk visa ke India, dorg selalunya mmg da ad standrd ukuran gamba tu
3. passport merah korg
4.duit..dulu dalam rm 160++ kot..skrg maybe da tmbh mahal
5.tikect/boarding pass (yang korg da beli tu, print dan bawak ye, ticket return sekali)
6.diri korg sendiri (sebab kena ambik 10finger print ye..hahaa)
p/s; kat dlm borang tu ade mntk details LENGKAP ye alamat penginapan dan juga no tel org di India. Jadi, make sure korg ada maklumat ni...dan pastikan simpan maklumat ni sbb masa kt imigresen di aiport dorg akn tnya lagi skali bnde ni..jadi prepare ye.
7. korg gi ke
IVS Global Visa Centre kt
KL :
G-01, Ground Floor, Straits Trading Building, No. 2, Lebuh Pasar Besar, 50050 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
or kalau korg dari area lain kt Malaysia, korg boleh pergi office dia kat negeri korg. Boleh check
ni penting..sbb kalau korg nk gi mana2 pon, better ada perancangan awal..tmpt2 mana korg nak gi, accomodate, transport bagai. Tambah kalau korg backpackers lagi la kena wat research bagai., Memandangkan kali ni trip ke India atas jemputan org..bakal pengantin tu da offer utk carikan pakej je. Trip ni pon disertai oleh supervisor(SV) "kesayangan" saya..hahaa..jd dorg kan taraf v.i.p..kena la proper skit kn...kih3..kitaorg ikut je la pakej berkenaan..bahagia sejahtera hidup...cuma duit tu xbrapa nk jimat sgt la..TAPI,, for this trip..I would say..its really WORTH IT!! sbb dgn semua service die yg meleTOPs!! i would totally recommend these package to you.
they provide all the facilities (accomodate ; homestay,, transportaion; tempo traveller enough for 10peeps, breakfast etc.)
Kerala located at South India, popular as "God's own country"... it's well known for its palm-lined beaches and backwaters, a network of canals..yeah of course with its NATURE!!
Athirappilly Falls |
Alleppey houseboat |
Ok,..these are just few of them..will show you in -
part 2- others.