Well, well...
After few years struggling with hardwork and intelligence in between of my dumbness of childish act
Then one day, a wary smile curved after heard my beloved supervisor said "So, Amal..hurry up on your thesis writing..so, we can finish your study at the end of this semester"
But wary smile becomes worry, as I started my thesis writing for the first submission.
Dear Allah, why is this SGS(school of graduate studies) people make it hard?
*ok..enough whining...i've got some trouble finding all the appropriate checklist and information for the first thesis submission requirement T__T
But here are some link:
Thus, here I am...want to share some info which might help you in preparing for the first thesis submission.
*please note that; this only applicable for UPM postgraduate student
First :
You have to submit all the documents before the deadline. You can find the deadline announcement in Student portal.
example :
be noted that there are two dates applicable for student who still
within their semester study and the other for who have been exceed in
their maximum semester
Second ,confusion happen as there are two time submission of thesis.
1. Thesis must be submit to examiner committee which has been approved by SGS
2. Thesis submission after you had viva
Ok....how do you know whether you can submit your first thesis submission??
here it is:
after you submit thesis notice (GS-14a) form [please note that you have to submit thesis at least 6 months before your first submission)
you have to wait at least 3 months for examiner committee being choose and approved by your supervisor and SGS thesis committe(JKPS)
next, you can check you application status in SGS student portal
if the status in the circle showed "no", thus you cannot submit your thesis (this is what the SGS people said). You must wait for the status update changing to "Yes".
but, the are some cases (like me), where the JKPS has approved the commitee but to update the status itself on the student portal take around 1 month (they say). So, you better asked the officer first if you and your supervisor have been submitted the notice and has been appointed the examiner commity within the time limit given (6months time).
In my case, SGS give permission to submit my thesis first because the last thesis submission date was so near that they dont have enough time to update my status in the online section.
They asked me to submit other form despite the GS-15a form. The form being called as "Consent for Delayed Viva" which you can find in SGS website :
note that you have to submit also the GS-15a form after they update the online system. Or else, your thesis will not proceed for examination.
then you can proceed to submit your thesis as per website link :
*bear in mind :
for the first thesis sumbission:
1. No need for hard cover copy. You can just put some plastic cover , stapler and put some tape at the side (like below picture)
2. Turnitin is a must. You just need to print the harcopy of your Turnitin report using software from
turnitin.com. Not the whole document. When you see the first page from your whole report (like below). Do select it as your first page until the last page to print.
3. Softcopy of your thesis must be saved by chapter as per the requirement given in website
4.You must signed on each "declaration by student" in the hardcopies of thesis before submit
You don't have to pay full fees (RM 1k++) once you submit your thesis. Only RM350 are need as thesis fees.
Please note that counter for thesis are at SGS1 office. ^^V
Good luck!!
*peace no war*