Ok...post viva..you have lots to do also (-_-'')sigh
You have to do correction in the time given.
List to do:
1. Do your thesis correction (in new format- single space, double sided etc.)-make 1hardcopy (plastic cover)
2. Go to sgs portal download forms:
-Gs16a (thesis submission post-viva)
in this form you need to get signature and stamp of :
*examiner (only one for master, 2 for phd)
*chairman of the viva session
-Gs17a (graduation particulars)
to download these form you need to pay the fees for graduation first (RM212 including gst)..
pay via cimbclicks>paybills>UPM serdang>insert your info(matrix no and ic no)>pay>print screen the transaction details
go to sgs portal, insert your ref.no of transaction..walla..you'll be able to download the form
3. Ask SGS for the reports, usually it will take about 1day for the chairman to finish the report, usually your supervisor can ask advance report, so you can prepare the correction earlier
4. You will have to download list of correction form:
5. You have to prepare all things no.1,2,4 and 7.. pile in some files so your sv, examiner and chairman can check the correction, then approve it.
6. Gs17- you need to have endorsement from sgs bursar and library (they want to check whether you have pending bills..if you have, you'll have to clear it first)
7. Not forget, to do the turnitin once you have your new version of thesis - 1hardcopy
8.Get all of these things done, and send it to thesis counter in SGS1.
Best of luck. Its not finish yet. You have to submit your thesis with hardcover one....will cont...("-_-)sighh