Monday, March 10, 2014

Gloomy Days for Malaysian. #PRAY4MH370. T__T.


pray 4mh370

Nothing much 2 say.. just to express how we ‘Malaysian’ felt about this incident.

It such a gloomy weekend, strength weaken..worries widen..HOPE RISEN

After 3days without any news from you MH370.

Whenever you are, we hope the best for you.

People here are praying for your safety, your comeback.



Malaysian Airlines (MAS) has always been Malaysian dearie. Since it provide air transport for us for a long time..and for the world as well


Picture : MAS staff grieving in sadness..after prayers and dua’ for MH370

Thanks 4 all Search and Rescue (SAR) team members ..

May Allah bless you for all your kindness.



Dear Allah, please give enormous strength for the family members and SAR team.

Gloomy Days for Malaysian. #PRAY4MH370. T__T.

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