bru je past bce bOOOkuu...magazine kOt..lbey seswai...hoHooo..sbb da lme xde mse nk bce dlu..maka ak pOn men'tOp-up' buku2 kt umah nie..hahahaa
Nk cte sal Reader's Digest bln August 2009 nye...
best!!! terbace very inspiring story; Daniela Garcia..
a woman with great courage and resiliency!!!(sila klik ntOk bce lbey lnjOOOt)

ini la Daniela Garcia...
Ble bce kisah die..wOw!!!
sinopsis skit:
-Daniela bru berumor 22thn ketika kehilangan sepasang kaki n tgn
-Seorg pelajar medic (thn ke4 ketika kejadian)
-Tlh mnjdi dr. sekarang..tapi lbey kpd rehabilitation doc
"While the moment of the accident (that make her 4limbs gone..2hands,2legs)..each of the recovery came out with strong happiness emotion she had ever experience"
-Anne Mullens, Reader's Digest (august,2009)
"Your life will be what you do with it"